
Mouth-watering cookies and baked treats that everyone will love

Savings Offer
15% OFF all orders (please use Promotional Code X9 when ordering)

Send Cheryl&Co.'s delicious gourmet gifts to friends and family near by or far away…or select luscious desserts for your own family gathering this holiday. Since 1981 Cheryl&Co. has been making the finest gourmet desserts and flavorful gifts. Cheryl&Co.'s award winners include 17 flavors of gourmet cookies, 15 types of brownies and delicious handmade desserts all made from scratch and packaged in exclusively designed gift containers. You can even create custom messages for your business and corporate clients.

A Cheryl&Co. gift is the right gift for every holiday, celebration, birthday, new baby, wedding or anniversary. So make Cheryl&Co. the delicious part of your holiday season this year!

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