Choosing airline carry on luggage is no longer a challenge with these tips

Choosing airline carry on luggage is no longer a challenge with these tips

You finally motivated yourself to complete the task of packing for your trip only to realize that you’re not fully packed – you still haven’t packed your airline carry on luggage. Many people don’t realize that what they bring on the plane with them is almost as important as what they put under the plane, especially if they’re going on a long flight.

When choosing the proper airline carry on luggage, you need to consider the type of luggage to bring and what goes inside that luggage. 

What Type of Luggage is Right for You?

Briefly consider your personal style when deciding what type of luggage to buy. Do you prefer leather or fabric? Keep in mind that leather may be a bit more expensive, but both are usually equally durable.

Also consider what color you like. Maybe pick a bright color that stands out so someone doesn’t accidentally grab your luggage. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you won’t be embarrassed walking around an airport with.


Next, you want to consider the size of your airline carry on luggage. When considering size, you first want to make sure it abides by the airline’s regulations. Airlines may vary with their regulations, but your carry on luggage usually shouldn’t take up more than 1/3 of the overhead compartment space.

Also choose size depending on the duration of the flight; if you’re on a longer flight, bring a larger carry on. If you already have carry on luggage of a few different sizes laying around your home, try seeing what you can fit into the smallest one first. If you start with a larger one you may end up bringing more items than you need. 

The final thing to consider is whether you want luggage with wheels or without wheels. If you’re bringing a lot of stuff simply get something that rolls. Don’t suffer a possibly long walk to your terminal carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. 

What Goes in Your Carry On?

Now that you’ve decided what type of carry on to bring you need to figure out what’s going inside it. Consider everything from entertainment to food to drinks. Remember that any liquid you put in your carry on before going through security will not be allowed unless it’s under four ounces (depending on the airline).

For more information on what to put in your carry on, check out the article Tips for a long haul flight.

Choosing airline carry on luggage doesn’t have to be an added stress after packing for your trip if you choose the right luggage and put the right things inside.



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