Nothing beats a classic Christmas movie on Christmas Eve!

Nothing beats a classic Christmas movie on Christmas Eve!

There are a few movies that just define Christmas. You may have seen them so many times, you know every line, but Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without them.

This Christmas eve, gather your family. turn on the tree lights, pop some popcorn and put on one of these timeless holiday movies.

Miracle on 34th Street (1947) – This film is about a girl named Susan Walker (Natalie Wood) who was raised to be practical and logical by her mother, Doris (Maureen O’Hara), an executive at a Macy’s department store in New York City. The Santa Claus for the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade is found drunk by a passer-by, who turns out to be Kris Cringle himself. Kris looks surprisingly like Santa Claus and Doris offers him the job as Santa. When Kris tells people at Macy’s that he is Santa Claus, they don’t believe him ? yet he makes their wishes come true. Susan does not buy his Santa Claus routine, but says that if he really is Santa, then she would like a real house with a real yard. This sweet story is truly one of the best classic Christmas movies.

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) – This classic features George Baily (Jimmy Stewart), who has a great life with a wonderful wife, four children and his own business. But on Christmas Eve he discovers a business error that reveals a financial loss. George thinks of committing suicide. But Clarence, his guardian angel, shows George how much his life has meant to others and what the world would be like without him. When George returns, he finds everyone raising money to help his business stay afloat. This is another one of the top classic Christmas movies ? a real feel-good movie, great to watch every year.

Babes in Toyland (1986) – This story featuring Keanu Reeves and Drew Barrymore in the story of a girl who bumps her head on Christmas Eve in her Cincinnati, Ohio home and awakes in a toyland fantasy. She has a wonderful adventure. This is the third remake of the movie. The movie was originally made in 1943 with renowned comedians Laurel and Hardy. It was then remade in 1961 with Ray Bolger, Tommy Sand and Annette Funicello. ~How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) – This movie, starring Jim Carey as the Grinch, is a favorite of adults and children. The movie is based on the popular Dr. Seuss book. It takes place in the land of Whoville. The Whos love Christmas. But just outside of Whoville lives the Grinch. The Grinch hates Christmas and plans to steal it away from the Whos, who he also does not like. One Who child, Cindy Lou Who, decides to befriend the Grinch. This movie is tremendously funny and silly.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) – This animated story of a reindeer who just doesn’t fit in is very well-known. The tale is narrated by Burl Ives, who is also the voice of Sam the Snowman. Rudolph (Billie Mae Richards) and his friends look for a place that will accept them as they are. Rudolf’s friends include Hermey, an elf who wants to become a dentist. His other friend is Yukon Cornelius, a prospector. They come across the Abominable Snowman and discover an island of misfit toys. Rudolph decides to see if Santa will help the toys, returning to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. When Santa sees Rudolph, he gets a great idea of how Rudolph can help him deliver toys that evening. A charming story! How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) – This movie, starring Jim Carey as the Grinch, is a favorite of adults and children. The movie is based on the popular Dr. Seuss book. It takes place in the land of Whoville. The Whos love Christmas. But just outside of Whoville lives the Grinch. The Grinch hates Christmas and plans to steal it away from the Whos, who he also does not like. One Who child, Cindy Lou Who, decides to befriend the Grinch. This movie is tremendously funny and silly.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) – This animated story of a reindeer who just doesn’t fit in is very well-known. The tale is narrated by Burl Ives, who is also the voice of Sam the Snowman. Rudolph (Billie Mae Richards) and his friends look for a place that will accept them as they are. Rudolf’s friends include Hermey, an elf who wants to become a dentist. His other friend is Yukon Cornelius, a prospector. They come across the Abominable Snowman and discover an island of misfit toys. Rudolph decides to see if Santa will help the toys, returning to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. When Santa sees Rudolph, he gets a great idea of how Rudolph can help him deliver toys that evening. A charming story!



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